Carthage at a Glance
A “Large Small College”
- 100%
of classes taught by faculty (not TAs)
- >90%
of Carthage students receive scholarships 和 grants
- No. 6
nationally for participation in short-term study abroad
- 2,300
feet of Lake Michigan shoreline
- 17
students in an average class
- 91%
medical school acceptance rate among Carthage pre-health students. * National average: 41%
It’s often said that Carthage offers the best of both worlds.
我们的校园是一个宁静的植物园,拥有令人惊叹的湖景-但我们位于充满活力的基诺沙市, 威斯康辛州, with Chicago 和 Milwaukee just a short trip away.
这里的班级规模很小,平均只有17名学生,但机会却很大. Carthage students l和 coveted jobs 和 internships, compete in 28 varsity sports, exp和 their impact through 130+ student organizations, 并bv伟德ios下载深远的激情,从水下研究到美国宇航局的轨道外研究.
bv伟德ios下载的学位课程是强大的和有目的的-但植根于文科, 因此,学生毕业时不仅准备了在第一份工作中脱颖而出所需的技能, 但在那之后的每一份工作中,他们都需要批判性思维技能和适应能力.
点击下面的分类来了解bv伟德ios下载是公认的卓越, 并一直被评为中西部最好的大学之一.
- 2,600 full-time undergraduate students.
- 2,800 total students.
- 超过90%的bv伟德ios下载学生获得经济援助(FAFSA代码:003839).
- bv伟德ios下载授予超过2000万美元的奖学金和助学金.
- bv伟德ios下载每年颁发超过200万美元的竞争性奖学金.
- Average high school GPA for Fall 2023 freshman applicants: 3.3对4.0规模.
- Average ACT composite score for Fall 2023 freshman applicants: 24. (Carthage is test-optional.)
- BETVLCTOR伟德登录大约35%的学生认为自己是美洲印第安人, 亚洲, 黑色的, 拉美裔, Pacific Isl和er, or multiracial in 2023.
- Rolling admissions. 应用 as early as June 1!
bv伟德ios下载的教授了解他们的学生——不仅知道他们的名字,还知道他们喜欢什么. Our 13:1 student-to-faculty ratio ensures personal attention. We offer the Bachelor of 艺术 degree in more than 75 subject areas; the Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, 生物学, 化学, 工程, 护理, Physics; as well as a Master of Education, 音乐硕士(音乐教育学和音乐剧声乐教育学)和理学硕士(商业设计与创新), sports management) degrees.
- 专业, minors, concentrations in more than 75 areas of study.
- 4 Year Graduation Guarantee.
- 13:1 student-to-faculty ratio.
- Average class size is just 17 students.
- Professors, not teaching assistants, teach all classes.
- Month-long J-Term for travel abroad 和 in-depth study.
- 91% medical school acceptance rate.
- Every student is automatically enrolled in The Aspire Program for career development.
- 98%的校友报告说,他们在毕业后的6个月内找到了令人满意的工作或进入研究生院.
- Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 1916.
- Named a 2024 Best College in America by The Wall Street Journal.
- 2024 Best Regional College by The Princeton Review.
- Named one of Money’s 2023 Best Colleges.
- 全国学生短期出国留学参与率前10名.
- Named a Best Regional Midwestern University (U.S. 新闻 & World Report).
- Named a Best Value University in the Midwest by U.S. 新闻 & World Report (U.S. 新闻 & World Report).
- 28 varsity sports, 27 of which are NCAA Division III sports.
- Men’s sports: 棒球, 篮球, Cross-country, 足球, 高尔夫球, 长曲棍球, 足球, Swimming 和 Diving, 网球, Track 和 Field (indoor 和 outdoor), 排球, 摔跤.
- Women’s sports: 篮球, 打保龄球, Cross country, 高尔夫球, 长曲棍球, 足球, 垒球, Swimming 和 Diving, 网球, Track 和 Field (indoor 和 outdoor), 排球, 水球, 摔跤.
- Coed competitive varsity sport: 的电子竞技.
- 大约三分之一的bv伟德ios下载学生参加校际体育运动.
- 另外三分之一的bv伟德ios下载学生参加校内和俱乐部体育活动.
- bv伟德ios下载队的名字是火鸟队,我们的吉祥物叫烬. Let’s go Firebirds!
- 200+ arts 和 performance events each year on campus.
- 59% of students performing in our music ensembles are non-music majors.
- B.A. degree programs in Art Education, 艺术历史, Graphic Design, 音乐, 音乐 Performance, 工作室艺术, 剧院, 剧院 Performance, 剧院 Technical Direction, Theatrical Costume Design, Theatrical Stage Management.
- B.A. degree programs in 音乐 with emphases in Piano Pedagogy, 音乐 剧院, 音乐 Composition.
- B.M. degree programs in 音乐 Education, Piano Performance 和 Collaborative Piano, 音乐al 剧院.
- 未成年人在 艺术历史, 跳舞, Film 和 New Media, History of the 艺术, 音乐, 音乐al 剧院 摄影, 工作室艺术, 剧院.
- Carthage awards scholarships 对于在视觉和表演艺术方面表现出色的被录取的学生,每年的奖金从500美元到13000美元不等.
bv伟德ios下载坚定而自豪地扎根于一个宏伟的位置——密歇根湖岸边80多英亩郁郁葱葱的土地, midway between two major metropolitan areas. This prime location provides more than breathtaking views. Internship 和 employment opportunities abound just beyond campus, thanks to our central location in the Milwaukee-Chicago corridor. And there’s plenty to do on campus 和 beyond.
- 80+ acres on the shore of Lake Michigan.
- Lakeside views 和 a winding river.
- 130+ student clubs 和 organizations.
- 14 active sororities 和 fraternities; about 20% of students are involved in a Greek social organization.
- 近年来,在校园设施上的投资超过2.5亿美元.
- 70% of students live on campus. Learn more about housing 和 residential life
- The Tower Residence Hall is Carthage’s newest housing option. It’s eight stories offer single 和 double rooms, semi-private bathrooms, two floors of common space.
- 信仰与灵性中心欢迎所有信仰之旅的人. 每周教堂服务植根于路德传统和天主教弥撒提供, along with interfaith discussions.
- Located within an hour’s drive of both Milwaukee 和 Chicago.
bv伟德ios下载学院是美国仅有的两所领导NASA太空资助联盟的文理学院之一, 十多年来,我们一直在让学生进入零重力状态. 我们的学生在蓝色起源火箭上进行实验,并前往国际空间站. And that’s just in our space sciences program. At Carthage, research is built into the student experience.